Now available for pre-order:

Now available: Aubrey’s latest book
What We Find in the Dark
Loss, Hope, and God’s Presence in Grief.
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Along with your copy of What We Find in the Dark, you will receive:
Art: An original digital art piece
Audiobook: Let Aubrey’s voice calm and comfort you as she reads from Ecclesiastes
eBook: The complete book “Dark Night of the Soul” by St. John of the Cross
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Walking with hurting Christians who wonder if God is still there.
It is my deepest honor to walk with you, not as an expert, but as a fellow traveler through pain, grief, lament, and big feelings. I do this in a few ways: writing, speaking, on the Nothing is Wasted podcast, and through my coaching ministry. Find out more by subscribing to my substack or following me on Instagram.

“If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there.” Psalm 34:18
Aubrey’s Latest Book

Loss, Hope, and God’s Presence in Grief.
“As spiritual confusion, doubt and dryness cloud your confidence in God’s presence, keep seeking. You’ll find, friend, that God’s love is in the dark, just as it is in the day.”
Welcome, friend. I am so glad you’re here, yet truly sorry for any pain you might be experiencing – emotional, physical, or spiritual. I know what it is to walk through grief and heartache, and to feel like the careful scaffolding of your faith is falling apart.
In 2022, I lost my best friend (my ride-or-die of over twenty years) to breast cancer. She left behind three young sons and her dear husband, and my heart is still broken. Years ago, I walked through another deeply difficult season in which I was diagnosed with a debilitating autoimmune disease. Around that same time, my infant son was recovering from spinal cord surgery, and my beloved cousin, like a brother to me, died in a tragic hiking accident.
In these dark nights of the soul you wonder if God is even there. Does God see any of it? Does God see you at all? Is God even real? Have you been praying to the ceiling fan?
What I have discovered is this: God does not need us to pretend like we’re okay or wrap up our pain in a pretty little package. In fact, whether you are facing a new diagnosis, the loss of a loved one, an injustice, or some other heartbreaking disappointment, you can actually find authentic (not pretend) hope in Jesus, who suffers with those who suffer. My deepest desire is to help you encounter God’s vey real, comforting presence in your pain and grief.
You are not alone, friend. Your seasons of suffering and loss – as awful as they are – are an invitation into deeper intimacy with Jesus. I am here for your grief, lament and big feelings. It is my honor to walk with you toward deeper communion with God in your pain.